Akron Artist

The Hourglass

Inesco Dynamic Merchandising commissioned Mac Love to create a painting for their headquarters and workspace. The Hourglass was developed as an evolution on the narrative from INVI, a series of paintings Mac has been working on since 1998. The triptych was designed as a focal point for visitors, and painted on masonite with holographic paper collage.

The Hourglass is constructed using a combination of figure eights with complimentary relationships that explore themes of life, death, dreams, self-destruction, and salvation. Each panel was painted in 360º and is composed of reflective symbols that inspire personal, professional, social, and existential thought.

“The Hourglass is a deeply subjective reflection on masculine mortality, feelings, intuitive ideas, and vague impressions of temporal and dimensional relationships. The painting presents layered windows of consciousness to life on earth, kindling a light in the darkness of being. These concepts are explored freely beyond the constructs of states, systems, churches, and scientific-positivism so that the mind and personality can develop in their own fashion.”