JA Renovation Reveal

Mac’s custom-designed holographic painting greets visitors at JA North Central Ohio’s entrance.

In 2023, Art x Love was engaged to create the donor wall and design a history wall for Junior Achievement of North Central Ohio’s newly renovated offices. We mined their historic archives, scanned hundreds of images, and developed a range of concepts inspired by JA’s logo and history. We then worked with JA’s North Central Ohio team to optimize their preferred design elements to complement the interior design plans for the space, which was then showcased to the community at their Renovation Reveal grand opening.

Consolidating more than 100 years of Junior Achievement history across three organizational timelines was a key point of pride, particularly since we were able to make it work so well in the vertical space of their vestibule entrance. This new donor wall and history wall continue to serve as an inspiration for JA’s staff, community, and partners as they educate and inspire each new generation of business leaders.

Mac Love

Mac Love is the Co-Founder & Chief Catalyst of Art x Love, a creative agency based in Akron, OH.


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North Hill Collaborator