
Silent Disco Dustup

In 2017-2018, our @PLAY Akron project explored every street in Akron’s 24 neigborhoods and interviewed more than 2,000 residents. Our research revealed many different neighborhood priorities, but cleaner streets, neighborhood festivals, and stronger neighborhood identity were commonly sited interests. We asked ourselves, can we do all three?

The Silent Disco Dustup was conceived of as "the most fun neighborhood cleanup imaginable.” Participants received silent disco headsets, pedometers, cleaning gear, and were accompanied by two DJs and a supply vehicle for refreshments and additional tools.

We designed 1-mile routes through neighborhood corridors that have a high degree of litter but are not frequently targeted for cleanup. Each route featured signs with historic anecdotes and little-known-facts about the neighborhood. Participants were encouraged to dance and clean their way through the corridor(s), and those who racked up the most steps received prizes, including hand-made gifts and coupons to local businesses.

Some people travelled 50+ miles to participate for these unique silent disco experiences. Everyone had a great time, made new friends, and learned a lot about the community.

Lose Your Marble


Akron kicked off the Civic Commons project  in conjunction with GEHL to collaborate with local leaders and residents to learn about, strategize, and develop innovative solutions for the city center's most pressing challenges. Our team was tasked with "Making Main Street More Fun Between Events," or more specifically, getting students and the local workforce to spend time downtown during off-peak hours. Inspired by Akron's history as the former marble capital of the world, we created Lose Your Marble, an interactive kinetic piece of art that would require teams of individuals to move from station to station in the downtown area. We created two prototypes to see if people would be willing to engage in the activity and were pleasantly surprised by the response. With plans to further develop the concept with an incentivized structure to attract more people, and to use higher quality and more reliable materials, we are confident Lose Your Marble can become a signature team-building feature of the Akron.