
Akron Stories Recognition

"The spirit of the nation is founded upon, and reflected in, its exciting and colorful past. Launched in 2019, this grassroots initiative (Akron Stories) has labored to collect, preserve, and celebrate the stories of local rubber workers and their descendants. Great care and considerable resources have been invested in this endeavor, and it is sure to become a source of pride for the whole community."

"All those associated with the Akron Stories project are to be commended for their tremendous efforts to guarantee that the past will not be forgotten, and the dedication of this new monument convincingly demonstrates how very much can be accomplished by a group of conscientious people with clear objectives and firm resolve. Indeed, they have distinguished themselves as concerned and responsible citizens and have, with admirable dedication, helped sustain the history of the area."

• Ohio House of Representatives •

Ordinary Superheroes

Mac was commissioned to create this chalk mural for SparkSpace’s offices and co-work space in Columbus, Ohio. The theme of the month was “Ordinary Superheroes.” Make conceived of and designed the mural on site, illustrating it freehand, and completed the mural in 6 hours.

The Ordinary Superheroes chalk mural was beloved by staff and visitors, and served as a popular backdrop for corporate visits and special events.